
S01E09 – Nautical Knots

The squad enlists Leonora to take them to the suspected location where the island of Atlantis once was, and where the Oracle Whale is suspected to be found. They set off in Leonora’s motor boat, seemingly too small for the high seas, on a multi day journey. They hope the gremilin, Pug Louisa, will attract the whale just like the gremlin eggs are supposed to. Will they find the Oracle Whale? Will they survive the high seas? Tune in to find out!

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127 – Top 5 Smooth Pick Up Moves for Valentine’s Day

Will you be our Valentine again?

Love is in the air in the PodCavern for somehow our FOURTH Valentine’s special on Ranked! We continue to live in unprecedented times but that doesn’t mean we should be alone for V-Day. But we get it. Interacting with people is hard. We might forget how to beyond our computer screens and that’s why we have quite the steamy romantic episode for you today! This week join Tuong and The Improv Embassy’s Adriana Johnston, Joshua Mayo, Woody Field McCadden as they make everyone in the world fall in love with them with their Top 5 Smooth Pick Up Moves for Valentine’s day.

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Ep 100 – 100th Episode Spectacular Bonanza

We made it to 100!

We did it everyone! Talkin’ Tuong has officially hit a big ol’ milestone today with the release of episode 100! Join the titular Tuong from Talkin’ Tuong as he reminisces about the history of this very special show while looking ahead to the future. Also if you have never listened to an episode of TT, there has never been a better time! With relentless stupidity and determination, Tuong decided to celebrate today’s occasion by giving a micro-review of EVERY SINGLE movie, game, show, etc. he’s ever talked about on this show all the way back starting from episode 1. Will this be an episode you want to miss? No. Will this be entertaining for you as a listener? Maybe. Will Tuong have fun anyways recording this thing even if talking to yourself for a long stretch of time makes you go a little crazy? Absolutely. So sit back and enjoy Tuong ramble on and on with Talkin’ Tuong’s 100th Episode Spectacular Bonanza!

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EP48 – Constructive Feedback

Angus and Sal have resolved they can no longer be roommates. However instead of moving out they have decided it’s better to just split their apartment into two much smaller spaces. To help with this task Tyler McTavish (Woody Field McCadden) arrives to do the construction and dispensing of life lessons

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EP02 – Super Tips For Super Relationships

Angus and Sal start to butt heads in their workspace, but relationship counselor Dr. Marry Plath (Chelsea Fahey) arrives just in time to share relationship advice.

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