
PP19 – Coco (2017)

Every family has its stories, and though some of those stories live on through generations, others fade into memories long forgotten. While the Pixar Pals are going loco for Coco’s heartfelt tunes, stunning visuals, and creative storytelling, Miguel and the rest of the Rivera family – including the goodest boy, Dante – show us the importance of honouring those who came before us and the power of remembering.

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121 – Top 5 Things Featuring Ghosts


Spooky season may technically be over but before the spirit of Mariah Carey comes bursting into your timelines, we have one more belated Halloween special coming your way! So join Tuong and Castle Rockettes’s Spencer Dunn, Kate Ethier, and Cas Knihnisky as they use their ranking ouija board to summon a list of Top 5 Things Featuring Ghosts!

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94 – Top 5 Iconic Death Scenes in Movies

Pouring one out for all the movie deaths on the big screen.
Death scenes in movies can be one of the most effective ways to keep the spirit of the film alive after it ends. A good movie death can range from gruesome, to heartbreakingly sad, to downright hilarious. Either way, when done right, it can make the audience elicit an emotion that connects ourselves to the movie and it’s characters for years to come. Join Tuong La and That’s How I Remember It/Sonar Network’s Michael Mongiardi, John Richardson, and Raul Delgado as they relive the most memorable demises in cinema and rank Top 5 Iconic Death Scenes in Movies.

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